Meet Devin.

Atlanta Native
Community Organizer,
Legislative Advocate,
and Civil Rights Leader. 

In the heart of Atlanta beats the pulse of resilience, creativity, innovation, and community, and I am honored to stand as a beacon of hope and progress for its people. My journey, rooted in my personal and professional experiences surviving youth homelessness and later becoming an effective policy advocate and civil rights leader has shaped my vision for the future—a future where every Atlantan has the opportunity to thrive. This is why I am running for Atlanta City Council - Citywide.

From the age of 16, I have been on a mission to empower and uplift working class families, LGBTQ people, Black people, and other marginalized communities. This work started during my first job as a campaign staffer for Stacey Abrams in her first winning campaign for public office in 2006. That experience ignited a passion for grassroots activism and progressive policy that has fueled my work ever since.

Throughout my career, I have served in leadership roles with numerous state and local elected officials and community organizations, including chief of staff in the Georgia State Senate and State House of Representatives, a lobbyist fighting for pre-k funding for Black childcare providers, Senior Health Equity Fellow for the National Coalition of STD Directors, community organizer with the Movement 4 Black Lives, and a mayoral appointee to the Taskforce to Reimagine Public Safety and Incarceration under Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.

My career accomplishments are a love letter to the people of Atlanta grounded in a deep and unwavering commitment to improving the City of Atlanta. 

Now, I am embarking on a new journey: running for the Atlanta City Council - Citywide. With a deep personal and professional understanding of the city's most pressing issues, I am committed to building a future that prioritizes the needs of the working class and not the rich. My platform is bold and progressive, centered around affordable housing, environmental justice, public safety, and creating wealth-building opportunities for communities that have been historically left behind and underfunded.

At the forefront of my agenda is the fight against the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, known colloquially as "Cop City." I recognize the environmental injustice and racial disparities inherent in its construction, and I pledge to halt its progress. Instead, I advocate for a training model grounded in de-escalation and community-centered approaches to public safety.

Furthermore, I am dedicated to preserving Atlanta's iconic tree canopy, proposing legislation to strengthen tree ordinances and accelerate reforestation efforts. I envision a city where sustainability and environmental stewardship go hand in hand with progress and development.

As a member of the Atlanta City Council, I will be a fierce advocate for fair and accessible elections. I condemn voter suppression tactics and pledge to fight for the right of every Atlantan to have their voice heard.

My candidacy represents a new chapter in Atlanta's story—a chapter defined by inclusivity, equity, and progress for all. With my leadership, Atlanta's working class will have a steadfast ally in the halls of power, guiding the city towards a brighter, more equitable future.